Our Approach


We approach design in a three part punch.  First we focus on function.  What do you need it to do for you? Then we look at style and passion.  What gets your blood going, makes your heart sing, and drives you?  Then we research and look for solutions.

Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.


Our Values

I’m not going to give you the same boring ‘we’re creative’ spiel you’ve probably seen on every graphic design site you’ve looked at.  Look at our site, you decide, are we creative?  As every fabulous writer knows, showing is better than telling.

Bang! Pow!

Dramatic Right?

Drama isn’t just the dynamite, bells, whistles, and blazing guns. It’s graphics that evoke emotion. Designs that intrigue and pull the viewer in, looking for more.

Tight-Rope Walking


Without balance there is chaos. Like a martial arts master, you need balance in your graphic design, whether that is done with color, or text, or hard coded.


Deliciously Beautiful

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Now all we must do is find your beauty-point, whether skulls or roses, pinstripe or scrolling flourishes.


You’ve been poisoned by bad design. Fortunately we have the antidote. It’s a nice electric blue, and tastes like your favorite beverage.

Get Away Car


Every great spy has a get-away plan, or ten. A flexible design should not only tie together with other things you are doing but also link to upcoming missions.

The Blueprint

Plan A

Without a plan every mission is at the whim of random disaster. Our initial consultation and recon missions help us lay out a plan that is sure to succeed.

Technology Isn’t Enough

It takes knowledge, skill, drive, passion, and experience to create dynamic graphics.

Our Story


The beginning

Mark Hardman and ES Tilton first pooled their resources to create a quick cover for a fantasy fiction novella she had written.  Elisabeth had years in faux finish and traditional art, but zero experience with Photoshop.  Mark offered his formal training, years of time in the graphic arts industry, and an extensive amount of knowledge in Photoshop to rescue her design disaster.  They had no idea that this would send them down a route towards business together.

Photoshop Masters

In time, Mark trained Elisabeth to use Photoshop, and she took to it like a fish to water.  Together they are the Dr. Frankenstein’s of the digital art world.  They each bring a different perspective to their projects and are wont to bounce ideas and designs off each other until perfection is reached.

Fearless Designs

As your Secret Agents they prefer innovative, modern, and above all, functional design. To achieve this they aren’t afraid to incorporate retro, antique, or sensual elements.  Their design blade has a Special Forces edge that gets the job done.

Enough about us.  Let’s talk about you.  Do you have a design you’ve been hiding away in the attic of your heart, too afraid to share it for fear it will be taken lightly or unappreciated?  Like Mark told Elisabeth so long ago, what do we need to do to make this happen?

How Do You See The World?

We can help you show the world your vision.

Our Fantastic Clients


Kellie Rae Stone
Karin Rochelle
James A Eggebeen

Are you ready for fearless design?